
Your Name (@meblog)

Sample content 04

I couldn’t find the source of the markdown file 😦

Heading 1

Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.

2nd paragraph. Italic, bold, monospace. Itemized lists look like:

  • this one
  • that one
  • the other one

Note that — not considering the asterisk — the actual text content starts at 3-columns in.

Block quotes are written like so.

They can span multiple paragraphs, if you like.

With smartyPants set to true in the markdown module configuration, you can format your content smartly:

  • Use 3 dashes --- for an em-dash. (e.g. Note — Its a cool day)
  • Use 2 dashes -- for an en-dash or ranges (e.g. “It’s all in chapters 12–14”).
  • Three dots ... will be converted to an ellipsis. (e.g. He goes on and on …)
  • Straight quotes ( " and ' ) will be converted to “curly double” and ‘curly single’
  • Backticks-style quotes (``like this’') will be shown as curly entities as well

Heading 2

Here is a numbered list:

  1. first item
  2. second item
  3. third item

Note again how the actual text starts at 3 columns in (3 characters from the left side).

Here’s a code block sample:

# Let me re-iterate ...
for i in 1 .. 10 { do-something(i) }

As you probably guessed, indented 4 spaces. By the way, instead of indenting the block, you can use delimited blocks, if you like:

define foobar() {
    print "Welcome to flavor country!";

(which makes copying & pasting easier). You can optionally mark the delimited block for syntax highlighting with any code pretty CSS framework.

import time
# Quick, count to ten!
for i in range(10):
    # (but not *too* quick)
    print i

Heading 3

Now a nested list:

  1. First, get these ingredients:

    • carrots
    • celery
    • lentils
  2. Boil some water.

  3. Dump everything in the pot and follow
    this algorithm:

    • find wooden spoon
    • manage pot
      • uncover pot
      • stir
      • cover pot
      • balance wooden spoon precariously on pot handle
    • wait 10 minutes
    • goto first step (or shut off burner when done)
  • Do not bump wooden spoon or it will fall.

Notice again how text always lines up on at 3-space indents (including that last line which continues item 3 above).

Here’s a link to a website. Here’s a link to a local doc. Here’s a footnote [1].


Tables can look like this:

size material color
9 leather brown
10 hemp canvas natural
11 glass transparent

You can specify alignment for each column by adding colons to separator lines. A colon at the left of the separator line will make the column left-aligned; a colon on the right of the line will make the column right-aligned; colons at both side means the column is center-aligned.

Item Description Value
Computer Desktop PC $1600
Phone iPhone 5s $12
Pipe Steel Pipe $1

You can apply span-level formatting to the content of each cell using regular Markdown syntax:

Function name Description
help() Display the help window.
destroy() Destroy your computer!

Definition Lists

Apple : Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.

Orange : The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.

Tomatoes : There’s no “e” in tomato.

You can put blank lines in between each of the above definition list lines to spread things out more.


: Pomaceous fruit of plants of the genus Malus in the family Rosaceae.


: The fruit of an evergreen tree of the genus Citrus.


: There’s no “e” in tomato.

You can also associate more than one term to a definition:

Term 1 Term 2

: Definition a

Term 3

: Definition b



(Note heading 4 above)

Markdown Extra adds supports for abbreviations. How it works is pretty simple:

Create an abbreviation definition like this:

*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[W3C]:  World Wide Web Consortium

_[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language _[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium

then, elsewhere in the document, write text such as:

The HTML specification is maintained by the W3C.

and watch how the instance of those words in the text are highlighted.

Closing line below.


  1. Footnote text goes here. ↩︎